
Inductors are sold in value ranges. To order please select the inductor value range or Series type required from the left menu. You will then be able to select number, tolerance and specific values required. Inductors are wound to order and as a result returns cannot be made. Delivery is normally approx. 7-10 working days.
All Falcon ferrite core inductors are CNC-wound using self-bonding wire bonded throughout the entire inductor. There is therefore no possibility of mechanical, microphonic or electrical resonances from any source. Inductors are supplied pre-tinned. Aircore bobbin colours may vary. Inductor prices are determined by copper commodity prices.
Inductors in crossovers require careful positioning with the magnetic axis at right angles to each other to cancel out mutual inductance/coupling which produces crosstalk and unwanted noise. MoQ Air Cores 2 per value ordered as wound to order.
Technical information/Cores data:- HP High Power Core 12mmØ, 25/50mm l. SP Super Power Core19mm Ø, 38mm l. AC Air Core numbers give wire Ø in mm.
Smallest Windable Values :- HP(0.71mm) 0.15mH : SP(1.0mm) 0.25mH : For lower values please order Air-Cored (AC).